Home > Machine Outlines
The machines introduced below represent only a minor portion of the products we handle.
In addition to machines, we also handle abrasion-proof pipes, transportation equipment and canned products.
We have also been involved in the export and import of a large number of products, so feel free to entrust us with all of your delivery and installation work overseas.
Our extruders cater to a wide range of diversified needs, from kneading and granulating through to profile extrusion and sheet/film extrusion. Perfect as reactors!

Ultra-fine Grinding Mills and Dispersers
High-efficiency grinding and dispersal with small-diameter beads and large-capacity circulation processing.
High-level and stable quality guaranteed. Simple maintenance!

Pulverizing Mills
Optimal super rotors for pulverizing polymers and other materials. Blade mills that enable raw materials containing elasticity and large quantities of fibers to be ground. Super jet mills aiming at sub-micron sizes.

Our mixers mix and disperse materials within short periods of time at high-speed and with the use of shearing force.
Catering to requirements with the technology and know-how cultivated over many years.

Our revolutionary classification systems enable all types of materials to be classified, and allow sharp particles to be evenly distributed and particular matter to be selected and separated.

Spray Dryer
Allows fine particles to be dried at unprecedented levels with the use of our newly-developed four-fluid nozzles.

FRP Products
We can recommend FRP products with their superior levels of corrosion-resistance, durability, heat-resistance and weather-resistance to play the main role for various types of equipment and production machinery.

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