Home > Personal Information Protection Law

San-A-Tsusho Co., Ltd. is fully aware of the importance of personal information, and strictly observes all laws (Personal Information Protection Law) and regulations related to the protection of personal information to make sure that it is collected, used and managed in a safe and appropriate manner.


In addition to providing information on the purpose of using personal information when collecting it, it will only be used within the scope of achieving said objectives.


Personal information collected will not be shared with third parties unless permission has been granted by the owner of said information, and when there are just reasons for doing so as stipulated by law.
(3) Full security measures will be enacted to ensure that personal information is not falsified, leaked or illegal accessed, etc.
(4) When personal information is to be used for joint purposes with third parties and when the handling of personal information is to be entrusted to third parties, a full investigation will be carried out to establish the bona fides of said third party and their ability to maintain full confidentiality.
(5) When requests to confirm, revise or delete, etc., personal information are received from the owners of said information, these requests will be faithfully adhered to within the range of validity in accordance with socially-accepted conventions and customs.
(6) All efforts will be made to ensure that all company executives and employees have a full understanding of the regulations pertaining to the protection of personal information.
(7) A person in charge of managing personal information will be assigned and appropriate methods will be enacted to ensure the safe handling of personal information.
(8) The methods enacted for handling and safely managing personal information will be revised and improved when necessary to ensure long-term implementation.

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